My office is located in Suite 22 of the Hamilton Building. It can be entered by the third of the three doors that face the street and Riverside Gardens Park.
A parking spot is available for your use on the east side of the building. It is the sixth space in from the sidewalk and has my name on it.
Fees and Insurance
I ask that you pay for your visits at the time we meet. I can accept cash, checks, credit cards, and Zelle.
Many people ask if I take insurance. Unfortunately, I do not. Taking insurance means that I would need to sign a contract with the insurer in which I would adhere to their fee schedule as well as a variety of other constraining policies. I provide statements which can be used to submit to insurance companies for any reimbursement to which the insured person is entitled.
Additionally, like many psychiatrists, I have "opted out" of Medicare for many of the same reasons that I have chosen not to be in a commercial insurer's network. Unlike private insurers, Medicare will not pay anything to the doctor or the patient if the doctor has opted out and requires a signed contract documenting that agreement. If you had coverage through work which now functions as a secondary payer to Medicare, that company may choose to cover you as though you were still working; this can be clarified by contacting the insurance company directly. I realize that these issues can be complicated, and I encourage you to ask me any questions that you may have regarding them.